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Breaking Down Silos

The Plight of Creatives & Communicators
Imagine entering the office with your caffeine drink, ready to tackle the day. Before you can power up your laptop, a sales rep has a "quick favor" to ask—could you whip up some custom swag for an impromptu client meeting this afternoon? An email notification appears: "URGENT: Can we get a social media blast for the new promo? Needs to go out ASAP!"
Sound familiar? To them, you're the social media guru, the swag fairy, the master of ceremonies. Your expertise is vast, your strategies are vital, and yet, here you are, stuck in the cycle of endless one-off tasks.


Breaking the Cycle of Misconceptions
This session is an urgent call to action for professionals tired of the constant distractions and one-off requests that wrench their strategic gears. It's for those who know that marketing and communications are not a mere support function but a driving force capable of
steering the company's direction.


A Path to Credibility and Impact
We delve into the heart of the issue—the struggle for credibility and the challenge of executing a grand strategy amid a sea of misconceptions. 

Leave this session empowered and energized, armed with the knowledge to transform your role from a reactive task juggler to a strategic powerhouse.

The Team

Co-Founder,  Facilitator

Having dedicated countless hours to listening and analyzing how sales and executives perceive and leverage marketing teams, she’s gained insight into the frustrations that arise from these dynamics. She is passionate about sharing strategies to overcome these challenges and empowering  professionals to  thrive in their roles.

Marketing, Facilitator

Meet Diane Collins—a strategic mastermind who thrives on tackling even the toughest
marketing challenges. Bringing her unique perspective and
expertise to every project. She's not just a marketing pro; she's the one you want in your
corner when the marketing gets tough.

Delete this column and all. when i try it erases me and DIane too... grrrr.

Our Approach

Discover actionable strategies to:

 - Effectively communicate the value you and your team bring

.- Discover the art of selling your expertise to internal stakeholders

- Learn practical techniques to balance quick wins with broader objectives.

Us in Numbers


Clients’ Income during the Last Quarter


Industry Awards


Business Partners in over 30 Countries


Years of Experience

We’ve Been Covered

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